Kentucky Workers' Compensation Attorneys

Workers' Compensation benefits can be confusing. If you've suffered an injury on the job, choose an attorney who can navigate the workers' compensation system and get you the money you deserve for your injury. Consultations are free, and you only pay if we recover for you.
Workers' Compensation
Medical Bills
Workers' Compensation benefits are required to pay your medical bills for injuries suffered on the job. If you have been hurt at work, a workers' compensation attorney can help ensure that these bills are covered at no cost to you.
Permanent Partial Disability
Most work injuries have lingering effects that can prevent workers from returning at full capacity. Injured workers need an attorney who understands the workers' compensation system to maximize recovery for permanent impairment. We have a proven track record of recovering for our clients injured on the job.
Temporary Total Disability
If you are forced to take time off work due to a work injury, your workers' compensation benefits should pay you for your time off. You need a lawyer you can trust to make sure your wages are paid while you're off work.
Permanent Total Disability
Sometimes a work injury leaves the injured person completely unable to return to employment. Our highly successful workers' compensation attorneys can evaluate these cases and recover total permanent disability worker's compensation benefits for these workers. You only get one shot at justice. Choose an attorney with the skills necessary to win.